Movie Los Silencios [O.N.L.I.N.E.]
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D.O.W.N.L.O.A.D Los Silencios 4.K. U.L.T.R.A. H.D.
Title : Los Silencios
Overview: Nuria, 12 ans, Fabio, 9 ans, et leur mère Amparo arrivent dans une petite île au milieu de l’Amazonie, à la frontière du Brésil, de la Colombie et du Pérou. Ils ont fui le conflit armé colombien, dans lequel leur père a disparu. Un jour, celui-ci réapparait dans leur nouvelle maison. La famille est hantée par cet étrange secret et découvre que l’île est peuplée de fantômes.
Release: 2018-05-14
Runtime: 90 Minutes
Year: 2018
Genre: Drame
Language: Español, Português
Castname: Enrique Díaz, Marleyda Soto, María Paula Tabares Peña, Adolfo Savinvino, Doña Albina, Yerson Castellanos, Astrid Fernanda López MartÍnez, Alida Pandurro, Leidy Prieto Echeverry, Vendedora de Arepas
Crewname: Beatriz Seigner, Nascuy Linares, Beatriz Seigner, Sofia Oggioni, Renata Maria, Jacques Comets, Gustavo Nascimento, Ram Devineni, Maria Fernanda Henao, Thierry Lenouvel
Company: Enquadramento Produções, Ciné-Sud Promotion
Vote Average: 0
Vote Count: 0
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From Movie Maniac and Reviewer of M.O.V.I.E Los Silencios [O.N.L.I.N.E.]
Milton Bridges
This movie is excellent from beginning to finish. The song and score options brings this flick to discover of feeling from all the performances. An outrageous thoughtful as well as innovative film filled with educated and thriller that will leave you in a state of being apart of you. A Quiet Location is amongst those fantastic movies and also also when you leave this film there is no informing how much this movie will certainly take you. I love this film so freaking a lot.
Toby Gardner
This motion picture is pure luster from its chilly opening to a heart warming finishing that brings a much needed launch of a combination of terror as well as stress to something is similarly captivating and also heartfelt. This flick truly incredible flick of not only craftsmanship however additionally something filmmakers can't do and that is narrating via virtually complete silence. Exceptional motion picture.
Tara Mccoy
This is the very best film of perpetuity and this is my favorite movie ever before. The method incredibly well fired as well as video camera work that is impressive to watch. It is a great film that has a lot personality deepness with these incredible personalities and so much heart. It is a wonderful film.
Willie Ferguson
Los Silencios was an appealing and also very entertaining motion picture which held my interest during the entire flick. The storyline relocated well, the acting was believable and the cinimatography was pleasing. I would highly reccomend this attribute for any person.
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